I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged. I miss it! Somehow this time of the year is always crazy busy for us. Maybe it's because it's the last hurrah of outdoor activities before we settle indoors for the very long winter. Maybe it's just because I love Fall and want to do EVERYTHING! So here's a little peek at what we've been up to...

First up is soccer. Who would've thought that a 5-year-old soccer league would take up this much time. Practices, games, parades, pizza parties and more practices. A whole new group of soccer mom friends for me - hello Bria! - and team parent duties. This has taken a whole lot of our weekend time. It's been fun, but I continue to be amazed at how seriously organized sports for kindergartners is taken. The pip though, he LOVES being on a team. He's competitive, fierce and determined. He plays like a little uncoordinated chihuahua and we cheer him on the whole time.

I love visiting different farms during the fall. We're always on the hunt for the 'perfect patch'. This year we've been to 3 and each one was so very different. Thankfully, Patrick loves it as much as I do and the boy just likes to explore.

This was taken at the farm closest to our home. We pass it every day on the way to school, so it's tradition that we visit here first. I have a progression of pictures of Nico in front of this scary pumpkin thing from the time he was a little over a year old to today. I might have to sit down and scrap that soon.

A little Boo at the Philadelphia Zoo this past weekend. So much fun to watch the little ones run around the zoo in their costumes. They are much more interested in watching for cool costumes than in the animals I think. Nico loved this although he was disappointed that I made him wear last year's costume. We weren't taking any chances with this year's costume - I just hope that thing makes it through the parades and parties this weekend!
And so that's it - what I've been busy with. Well that, and assignments. So very many design team assignments. Sigh. I love it because they push me to be more creative and still meet deadlines. But I miss being able to post my work. I have to get back to that this week!