May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!
We are off today to a family picnic with my husband's family that we haven't seen in a while. I'm looking forward to it, should be fun. Nico will run around with a dozen of his second cousins and Patrick and I will kick back with the adults. A perfect Memorial Day.
Have a good one! I'll be back tomorrow with layouts...
May 23, 2010
Fatherhood Looks Good
All of the paper, chipboard frame, title, heart and brown letter stickers are from Basic Grey (Max&Whiskers and Basics). The felt star is from Making Memories and the metal studs are Zva.
Thanks so much for taking a peek! Hope you like the new blog makeover. Many thanks to Kristina at for making my blog happy and colorful. She was wonderful to work with and I highly recommend her.
May 22, 2010
New Stash Stuff
Stay tuned for a big blog makeover...
May 21, 2010
Christmas Eve Roundup
This is a quick and to the point layout. I didn't take too much time or fuss over it. Probably because I don't really like any of the pictures. But I thought the story was imporant. These are the 'best' shots I have of our Christmas Eve celebrations over the past 5 years. I know they are pitiful flash shots with ugly backgrounds but what can you do? What I do like is how they show the progression of our family and how quickly the kids are growing up.
The journaling explains how these are my best shots because I am usually running around entertaining, cooking and serving everyone. This is a holiday that I inherited from my parents' divorce and honestly it sucks. After five years, I'm finally starting to come to terms with it and am trying to stop and enjoy it more. I've recently realized how important it is for me to keep these family traditions going and how I want Nico and his cousins to celebrate Christmas Eve just like I did when I was a kid. I kept the journaling 'real' on this page, because sometimes holidays/my life/my family ain't a bowl o' cherries.
Have a great weekend everyone! I'll be back early next week with another Basic Grey Max & Whiskers page...
May 20, 2010
My Little Yankee

May 19, 2010
A Late Entry

And this is my interpretation of the sketch...
This layout was a day late and a dollar short - actually a mere month late. It was my entry into the contest for April and I just finished it recently. Sometimes I have a hard time following a sketch that I like. Either my favorite photos are the wrong shape or my titles are too big.
This time I was having a really hard time with all of the "white" space that the sketch called for. Although I like the look, I think I'm a 'use the whole page' kinda scrapper at heart. I tweaked it, added more pictures, more patterned paper, more everything and I was finally happy with it. But now, it doesn't really look like the original sketch as much. Sigh. Maybe this is a sign that I can't follow directions - hee!
I drew this sun freehand and cut it out. Then I sewed and sewed and sewed on it and inked it all around with chocolate chip ink. It was the perfect place for my title and added a special little something to the top of the page. It was fun to make and I really want to try this technique out with a really huge shape in the future.
(Supply list: Paper: October Afternoon (brown) and Fancy Pants. Chipboard swirls and brad: Fancy Pants. Gems: Basic Grey. Letter stickers: Basic Grey (brown), Thickers (aqua).
Thanks so much for stopping by. Oh and thank you to Becky Fleck at Page Maps for the great sketch!
May 10, 2010
Baltimore Album Part 1

Baltimore Album Part 2
This is my favorite page from the entire album. I love the colors and how the title came together. This took me forever and a day to do. I knew the look that I wanted but had a hard time getting it all to fit together. Finally, the round transparency gave me a focal point and I worked from there.
This is a mix of LYB Traveler and October Afternoon (another favorite travel line). Most of the colors from these two lines can be mixed. I punched holes into the transparency and added it as my title page. Yes, you can see the backside of the letters when you turn the page, but that doesn't really bother me.
The last and final page. A parting shot of the inner harbor and a pocket page for our memoribilia. This page came with the album and again I covered it with paper from October Afternoon and LYB.
Thanks so much for taking a look at our trip!
I'll be back Tuesday with a Rusted Sun summer page...
May 5, 2010
His Best Pal
This one up above though, is one of the dog pages that I've had in mind for a while now. These are some of my favorite pictures of Nicolas with my Dad's dog, Boo Boo (as in ouch). My family tends to go for eccentric pet names. Come to think of it, my uncle has had dogs named Godzilla, Leroy, Killer and Corona, all of them lap dogs. So I guess Boo Boo isn't that bad.
We don't own a dog, but all of Nicolas' grandparents do. Boo Boo is the only dog out of the four that will play with him. These two have a special understanding - Boo plays and allows himself to be gently hugged and Nico gives him food. It's really funny to watch. Boo Boo is 14 years old now and I wanted to create this page so Nico could remember his first best pal.
Every single thing on this page is from Basic Grey except for the aqua letters (Thickers) and the brown ball ribbon (Maya Road). It came together in a snap because BG designers did an amazing job on their products!
Until the next post...
May 3, 2010
Disney Day by Day
All of the paper is from Little Yellow Bicycle's travel line. I decided to use a tone on tone look for each day of the week. I like how it blends into the cardstock, yet is still dimensional. They are all from my collection of Thickers.
Thanks for taking a peek!
National Scrapbook Day!
I took a picture of my mess, because this is how I scrap. I can't put anything away in between steps. I just scrap right on top of that mess. And yes, it's lumpy and it's a pain but it's how I do it. Sometimes it spills over on to the other shelves and counter space, but this time I kept it on the desk. I was short on time, so it was a quick layout. I'll take pictures of it and post later on this week.
Thanks for taking a peek. Until the next post..