And once again, it's time for the Garden Girls Digest. Be sure to stop by each and every blog for a peek into what's new and inspiring + fun giveaways here and there.
This is my latest layout in the gallery. A fun mix of the Be Amazing collection by My Mind's Eye and a little trip to Mexico we took.
And a sneak peek of a layout that will be up soon. Just putting the finishing touches on it.
I used a little bit of this and that. And it all went so well together!
One of my favorite layouts from the gallery is this soccer one by Pea Aphra Bolyer. She has an amazing way with color and design.
Five collections that are sitting on my desk right now....(can't wait to start my project with them!)....

Now hop on over to see what interesting things Shimelle's been up to! If you lose your way, be sure to visit the brand new Two Peas in a Bucket blog....
Thanks for hopping with me. See you soon and good luck!