Ah yes, it's Fall in the northeast and it's one of my favorite times of the year. The mornings are crisp and Nico goes back to his regular preschool schedule. This means one full day of scrapping a week for Mama. Life is good!
The moment I saw this dinosaur line by My Mind'e Eye, I had five different pages in mind. Nico loves dinosaurs and has so many books, toys and even T-Rex shoes that I knew I would need all of it. This page is about how Nico has recently developed fears of the very things that he loves the most (dinosaurs, slides, spooky houses). The journaling goes on to describe the who/what/when of his fears and how I feel about it. I thought it was important to mark this milestone in my (usually) brave little guy's life.

This is one of those pages that took me forever to do. As a matter of fact, this is the second version of it. I had it all done and left it on my work table. When I took a look at it the next morning, I hated it and started all over. I don't do this very often, but I also know when a layout is not working for me.

All of the paper, brads and chipboard is from MME's Abby Road Collection. The big green letters are Bo Bunny Press. The grass border is from K&Co's AtoZ line that I got at Michaels. And last but not least is the canvas ribbon from Lil Davis, a company I sorely miss.
Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!